Divine Love Healing

Spiritually Sourced Energy Healing

Thank you dear ones who receive Divine Love Healing, for sharing here about your experience of the energy, the healing perceived, the love shared.
I feel lighter & uplifted. Good Advise.
The Path
Thank you for bringing me/showing me the path to my own freedom to BE!!!
She brought me so much clarity in my situation and helped me release the pain I was carrying with me. Thank you! You are amazing to be around - full of Love & Light !
I had a very visceral experience during the healing. I felt tightness in my chest that was released through coughing, and tears were flowing abundantly. There was just a lot of release of stagnant energy. At the end, I felt calm. I look forward to seeing how I feel in the days to come.
Energy Blast
Thank you for the amazing energy exchange. I am still processing but I am sure you have unlocked many areas for me and my Soul Family.

Wow... Toda!
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Photos by: Rachel Claire
Disclaimer: Energy Healing is not a substitute for AMA approved medical intervention. Rachel does not diagnose, prescribe or guarantee.